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Saturday 23 May 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

I saw John Wick recently, a movie I'd heartily recommend to any fan of the action genre. With inventive fight scenes and skillful cinematography, it was the definitive "badass man goes on a revenge killing spree" movie. Thankfully, this means we can now retire that trope forever. We're done. It's over. After its millionth retelling, this story can cede its spotlight to things like Mad Max: Fury Road, which displayed a far broader understanding of human nature.

[Also, before I go any further into this Very Serious Review: THROW ME IN THE TRASH, FURY ROAD IS AN EXPLODING MUTANT MASTERPIECE OF LIZARD-CHOMPING, FLAMING GUITAR-PLAYING GENIUS. I spent the first third having heart palpitations over Max's mask and blood tube, the second third thinking, "WHAT THE FUCK!? DUDES ON POLES WITH CHAINSAWS!?" and the final third having some kind of religious experience where I wanted to cry because Tom Hardy made a quizzical grunting noise or the Motorcycle Matriarchy had shown up to save the day, or simply because We Are Not Things, dammit!

And then I went home and read a metric fuckload of behind-the-scenes coverage, because this was a rare instance where that shit is legitimately interesting. Did you know they shot 480 hours of footage? And yet the editor, Margaret Sixel, pulled it all together into one of the most comprehensible and dynamic action narratives I've ever seen! Give that woman an Oscar.]

In every regard, Fury Road was made for me. It took my favourite genre (wildly over-stylized apocalyptic fantasy) and imbued it with emotional and political themes I understood on a personal level. For too long, I've had to watch Hollywood blockbusters with part of my brain switched off, attempting to ignore their obsession with cops and soldiers and steroid-inflated machismo. BUT NO LONGER, MY FRIENDS. No longer.

Obviously I do appreciate characters like Captain America and James Bond, but the fact is that they are not my heroes. What personal connection can I possibly have to Bruce Wayne? None, even as a power fantasy. Whereas with Fury Road, I can really feel this shit. It fulfills my desire to see women work together to protect each other, and for people to overthrow their destructive and abusive leaders. It works on a fundamental level because I know what it's like to live in a world ruined by centuries of pollution, controlled by a cruel patriarchal culture that disregards the souls and bodies of women.

You can hardly describe Fury Road as realistic, but its story felt real to me in every way that counts.

It's appropriate that a film about searching for life in the desert should be so spiritually refreshing, an oasis in Hollywood's bland landscape of identikit blockbusters. I'm not just talking about Fury Road's overt feminism, but also the way it tells a story through action, how it eschews clumsy exposition, and how it conveys a powerful narrative message while still being beautiful and entertaining in a thoroughly accessible way. It's a perfect iceberg movie: characters with very little explicit backstory or even dialogue, existing in in a highly stylized moment, and yet rich with meaning and subtext beneath the surface. 

We Are Not Things

I loved the way Fury Road kept coming back to liquids. Water, mother's milk, blood, gasoline -- and how they were bartered from person to person with different meanings. Max being dehumanized as a blood bag for the War Boys. The women at the Citadel being milked by machines but eventually freeing the water supply for the people in the wasteland below. Max later deciding to give Furiosa his blood, after he regained his humanity. (BTW, I particularly enjoyed this as a counterpoint to the classic action hero method emergency medical care: Punching dead people in the chest until they wake up, possibly while yelling, "Wake up, dammit!" Blood donation was far more effective, highlighting Max's character development and the huge difference between this scene and the way he was treated like livestock at the beginning of the movie.)

Not forgetting the endless fights over gasoline, which can basically be summed up as:
My friend, after seeing Fury Road: They spend the whole movie driving around fighting over fuel they need to drive around and fight over fuel, it's just so pointless!
Me: I believe that's what we call a "metaphor."
And, of course, the first time the Wives appear to Max, they are bathing in fresh water in the middle of the desert.

I've seen a number of reactions to this scene, including displeasure that the female characters were introduced in a "sexualized" way. I don't agree with that interpretation, although I understand how it could be seen as an eye-candy moment: a group of beautiful women bathing while wearing skimpy clothes. In the context of pop-culture, this kind of scene is always sexy. We're conditioned to see it as such, regardless of context.

In that sense, I found the Wives' appearance surprisingly thought-provoking. Because women's bodies should not be inherently sexualized, no matter what they're wearing. All we actually see is the Wives washing dust from their bodies and getting rid of their chains and chastity belts, before freezing in fear and apprehension when Max comes into view.

It's certainly not a sensual ~shower scene~ and there's no male gaze moment where the camera hints that the protagonist wants to bang some hot chicks. In fact, no one expresses any kind of sexual desire in the entire movie, because they're all too focused on staying alive -- not to mention being incredibly traumatized.

When Max stumbles across the War Rig his only desires are water and escape, so you can easily interpret the appearance of the Wives as a "WTF LOL" moment. A sudden descent into surreality as Max shifts from a world of torture and horror into a world where beautiful, peaceful people are washing using clean water. From Max eating a live lizard to the Citadel's blood banks to the first high-octane car chase, this is the first sign of humanity and calm in the blasted hellscape of the desert.

With Immortan Joe as an avatar of toxic masculinity and greed, the main antagonist of Fury Road is the concept of objectification. Each of the heroes' personal journeys are about regaining their own humanity and agency, either through empathy (in the case of Nux and Max) or escape. So, even if you dislike the Wives' costumes or their introductory scene, they were definitely fully-fledged characters by the end of the film.

Instead of going the typical action movie route and ignoring character development in favor of stunts and special effects, Fury Road developed its characters through action. This movie went eons beyond our normal expectations, where we grudgingly award points for a well-written female character or a vaguely interesting backstory. It left that kind of judgement in the dust, a two-hour car chase with more female characters than men, including a pregnant pacifist messiah and a motorcycle gang of elderly desert cowboy grandmas. It's like this movie came from another damn planet. 

Next: Interview with Mad Max: Fury Road costume designer Jenny Beavan


  1. My friend, after seeing Fury Road: They spend the whole movie driving around fighting over fuel they need to drive around and fight over fuel, it's just so pointless!
    Me: I believe that's what we call a "metaphor."

    Sorry for being dumb, but is there something somewhere that will spell this out for me?

    1. Oh, I meant because that's literally what we're doing now, in real life. The whole society in Mad Max is preposterously wasteful and destructive, which is analogous to our own wasteful and destructive way of life.




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  2. I really like what you have to say about the scene in which the wives are introduced. I saw it as a sexualized but also liberating moment. I disagree that it wasn't meant to be at least a little sexy, and I happen to think those outfits were as revealing as they were in order to appease the male members of the audience. I also disagree that there is no kind of sexual desire expressed in the entire movie. There is definitely the suggestion of sexual tension between Nux and Capable, although it's so subtle that it can also be seen as a platonic relationship, a reaction to the trauma they've both experienced. I like to think of it as a mutual connection inspired by Capable gaining her freedom and Nux having an awakening. But it *can* be read as sexual tension. That being said, the possible sensuality in the bathing scene, the revealing nature of the wives' clothing, and the sexual tension between Nux and Capable aren't inherently bad things. They're just worth questioning in the context of this particular movie and in the context of the hypersexualization of women and misogyny in mainstream films in general.

    Anyway, I still like and appreciate your reading of it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. P.S. Sorry if that wasn't very articulate. I just woke up from a really long nap and am a little groggy, but when I read it now it seems kind of jumbled...

    2. Whatever the reasons behind it, I believe the actresses chose/made their own costumes? I read an interview where one of them said they were basically given a bunch of white fabric and told to do what they want.

  3. Just got back from my third viewing, and I paid particular attention to the introductory washing scene. It's a wide shot showing the wives scrubbing themselves off -- no lingering scrolls over their bare limbs. If anything, this could be read as a comedic/ironic juxtaposition of this peaceful, cleansing act against the savage desert background and all the violence that Max just experienced.

    Because this moment is definitely Max's POV, and there ARE sensual close-ups. Of water. There's even a sexy slow-mo of pure, clean water spattering against the sand. Then a shot of Max reflexively licking his lips. Sexualization of the wives is on the viewer, not the camera, because the camera never treats them differently than it does Furiosa, or Max, or the War Boys. They are traditionally beautiful and scantily-clad, but the only wet-fabric lingering is on Angharad's heavily pregnant belly. (Again, the editor is a woman here.)

    It's worth noting the power dynamics here and in the scenes that immediately follow. We have the literally disarmed Furiosa and five non-warrior women versus our male lead with a gun. Yet Max is visibly the most frightened character. The women are all wary, but angry and determined. He keeps a gun on them at all times, well past the point of any rational threat they might pose to him. It weirdly humanizes both parties by flipping the script of our expectations and forcing us to engage with what we're seeing, which is a group of women who have been victimized but who refuse to be defined as victims, and Max, who has been used and abused enough that we can see his threatening actions for what they are: desperate, terrified, expecting to be hurt by everyone. It's a tense and complex interaction, but your heart goes out to all of them. What an amazing piece of cinema.

  4. " Each of the heroes' personal journeys are about regaining their own humanity and agency, either through empathy (in the case of Nux and Max) or escape" - I think Nux does end up escaping Immortan's cult, even if it wasn't intentional in the beginning.



    "So the two of us were doing this – dare I say – very S&M-type fight, it's a love/hate mixture between these characters. They're very close, there's chains, they're holding each other in very intimate positions, and the longer we were doing it the more we're kind of eyeing each other up," Dane laughs, a little abashed.

    "We've said it before and it's quite cheesy, but it really was love at first sight. While we were punching each other we were falling for each other – quite rapidly."

  6. Totally interesting post. Another thought re the bathing wives scene: It also reminded me of larger-than-life allegorical representations of, eg, the medieval / Renaissance fountain of youth. A vision of beauty, and unearthly beauty isn't attractive only to the male gaze. I too loved looking at the visual spectacle of these women. But what I liked was that they were allowed to be beautiful *and* people, just as Nuc was allowed to be marred *and* a person.

    1. yes i saw a really great post on tumblr about this -- comparing them to nymphs/the Odyssey i believe.

  7. PS: Also I can't imagine how one could comment on this film by pointing to "the strong female character". Just as you say, it subverts all that shit and subverts the whole need to be "strong" and what that even means and makes you think how much more important it is to be "human". I found that moment where Rictus yells "I had a baby brother and he was perfect" so poignant - the desperate need for love that comes out inchoate. It was extraordinary how the red-haired wife saw that need in Nux too. And it made me think (as you say, so much left to our imaginative devices) that the wives maybe get to love their babies for a very short time an then have to give them up to become war men and how this breaks their hearts and that's why sometimes they can see through the macho bullshit.

    1. yes i loved the way we kept see people's humanity shining through in horrifying moments, even when it's been warped by joe's worldview ie with his sons and nux. nux feels like a "good person" from the get-go, albeit directing his goals and emotions towards a ridiculously damaging mindset, whereas there are other war boys (ie Slit) who are just horrible and go further than just buying into joe's cult

    2. And that the red-haired wife could *see* it and draw it out. I've been thinking a lot about the wives; they resonate most with me from the whole film, I think. They are so incongruous. And it's so lovely to have women dressed in skimpy clothing and looking stunningly gorgeous who are not at the same time 'punished' for their beauty by having to be stupid and agent-less.

  8. More PS: Because clear enunciation is not this movie's thing (not was it the original Mel Gibson's who mumbled and grunted his way through Mad Max 1 most gloriously), I kept hearing "Allah" when they were saying "Valhalla", and the odd echoes of Islam in Nordic myth were very effective. To me. The whole religion thing was effective. "Who are you praying to?" "Anyone who'll listen." I liked how the film find't shirk or ignore the issue if religion which normally doesn't play a part in action film like this. Here it was actually analysed: the war boys with their sacrifice worldview ,which totally rings true and sadly is motivation in real life.

    1. yes! i loved the cult worldbuilding for the war boys


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  10. So, rather than going to a party, I decided to spend my New Year's Eve finally watching this movie. I don't regret that decision.

    I didn't enjoy it quite as much as you, because the whole thing was just a bit too much - too loud, too long, too intense and too violent, and after a while it gets a bit samey. By the end I felt a bit like I'd been punched in the head repeatedly for two hours. But I can't deny it was visually spectacular, and like nothing else I've ever seen - I can't remember the last time a film so completely created such an immersive world.

    It does amuse me that what is, on the face of it, such an aggressively macho film should have attracted such a large female fanbase: it's got to be one of the most hypermasculine films ever made, like Jeremy Clarkson's acid nightmare. But on the other hand, you do clearly have the women heroes in the film, and I guess you can see the whole thing as a kind of feminist metaphor.

    (Personally though I have an issue with claiming a film that is literally about men fighting to capture mostly helpless women in order to rape them as a feminist classic. It's the Game of Thrones problem all over again: you may be telling a story about the evils of patriachy but that doesn't make the depicted and implied treatment of women any less unpleasant. It gets better when the Vuvalini turn up, though.)

    Anyway, the film's too bizarre to have much direct real-world relevance. I wasn't bothered by the 'bathing' scene discussed above, because the whole thing felt like some over-the-top 80s Heavy Metal fantasy, and it fitted in perfectly from that perspective. Besides, there was plenty of male eye candy in the film as well.

    Overall, I liked it! Thanks for the blog, and Happy New Year.

    1. Also, I wish they could have cast an actual amputee actor as Furiosa rather than Charlize Theron, who was largely unrecognisable anyway. Would have saved money on the CGI. But that's Hollywood I guess.

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