Thursday, 15 March 2012

Links post: 18th century Danish face-coverings, Tom Hiddleston & Michelle Dockery: time travelers, Alexander McQueen's "Alien" shoes, and more.

The above picture is from Trine Søndergaard's photo series on strude, the complex scarves and hoods worn by 18th century women on the small Danish island of Fano to protect their faces from the elements. There's a full gallery of these photos at her website -- stunning, and quite the most interesting alternative to a balaclava that I've ever seen.
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Not precisely fashion, but definitely clothing: Iceland's necropants. Magic trousers made from... human skin. I wish I'd known about this when I was in Iceland! It sounds like the best museum ever.
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Alexander McQueen is known for beautifully bizarre couture, and for me this particular work of his is a real delight. I wish I'd known about it last week, in fact -- shoes inspired by the movie Alien:
Picture from HERE.
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A small follow-up on Chanel's show last month (reviewed here): Esteemed fashion journalist Robin Givhan was apparently relegated to the cheap seats because she gave a less-than-good review to Lagerfeld's last collection.
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Johanna Blakley: Lessons from Fashion's Free Culture. In the light of the current obsession among lawmakers for idiotic piracy/copyright legislation, this 15-minute TED lecture is particularly interesting. Fashion straddles the line between commercial production and artform, yet has incredibly leniant copyright law. Proof, perhaps, that embracing remix culture is a good idea?
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I'm loving this Time Magazine photoshoot with Tom Hiddleston (Loki from Thor/The Avengers) and Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary from Downton Abbey). It's... an intriguing mix of beautiful, London-based retrofuturism plus a couple of quite baffling outfits on Michelle. Click through to the article -- there's a video! It's supposedly about time travel so I'm 100% onboard, although it's not exactly Oscar-winning stuff. If you like the idea of hearing Tom Hiddleston drawl poshly about the apocalypse while Michelle Dockery sneers at him from beneath a silver pillbox hat, then I definitely recommend it.

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I capture the period pieces. A blog dedicated to the beauty of period and costume dramas, found while I was trawling Tumblr for Upstairs/Downstairs screencaps to feed my hopeless love for that show. It's just so... hilarious, and posh, and British, and... honestly, a lot more thoughtful and less overwrought than Downton Abbey, a show I generally love to hate. Check out this clip from the next episode (particularly the Duke of Kent, the chap in the admiral's hat). 


  1. I'd seen the photos and .gifs of the Dockey/Hiddleston photo shoot but hadn't realised that there was a narrative to the video. Seeing as how they are both from the future why isn't he also wearing futuristic or fashion forward clothes? Don't get me wrong, those suits are gorgeous, but they couldn't be more conventional. Is his character better at blending in?

    Whatever this is, it's making me think too much about it.

    Love the Strude portraits. There were several weeks in London recently when I would have worn them.

  2. my baseline assumption for these types of videos is that they're unbearably moronic so it's a bad idea to overthink it (or... think it...) but my rationalisation here would that they're BOTH wearing 2012 clothes, not future clothes... ie, they're wearing what you see in fashion shoots from 2012, which due to menswear/womenswear rules means that hiddleston just looks dressy whereas dockery ended up in all-out couture. so technically hiddleston is better at blending in, but only by accident. SOLVED!

    the strude portraits are amazingggg.

  3. I thought that was Vladimir Putin. It's not like he wouldn't do that.

  4. you thought... what was vladimir putin?

  5. Fashion for me is mostly about appreciating the aesthetics and not actually wanting to wear anything, but oh my god, I WOULD DIE FOR THOSE ALIEN HEELS.

  6. im as shallow as a 1 metre swimming pool. Give me Tom Hiddleston in a suit any day, and I would be very happy.

    Also, that shot of him sitting next to an afternoon tea cake stand. DOESN'T HE LOOK THE PART OF A CEO? CEO of Mischief - that's the next AU someone needs to write

  7. me too, on first glance!

  8. A-ha-HAH! I knew those McQueen shoes were Giger-inspired, I knew it!!!

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