Saturday, 8 October 2011

Chinese steampunk action movie; superhero costumes; beautiful menswear; Julia Roberts, Evil Queen; catwalk makeup.

  •  A new black-and-white silent film, set in the jazz age: The Artist (via The Oncoming Hope).
  • Another thing sent to me on Twitter: Jugend und Tolheit, a 1913 film about a woman who crossdresses and joins the army in order to be close to the man she loves. Ffff, I want to see this!
  • BEAUTIFUL NONSENSE: Lily Collins and Julia Roberts as Snow White and the Evil Queen. These gowns are perfectly cartoonish. Also, is that one of Giles Deacon's Spring/Summer 2012 swan hats?
  • Model-Morphosis. Photos of models with a slider to see their faces before and after catwalk makeup has been applied. I was actually surprised to see how little makeup they often seem to be wearing!


  1. I hope the actual movie features some dubstep.
    I love historical kung-fu movies. And Andy Lau.

  2. I'm going to see Detective Dee on Monday! Yay!!

  3. ME TOO. but i doubt it. it'll probably be all sweeping orchestral soundtracks. BUT A DUBSTEP SOUNDTRACK WOULD BE SO AWESOME. they should actually just have that in the sherlock holmes movies too.

  4. JEALOUS!!! it seems to have come out in the uk about a week ago but i can't find any showings.

  5. If Sherlock had RDJ kickboxing to dubstep beats that would be EPIC.
    Have you heard Downton dubstep?

  6. omg... THIS IS AMAZING. :DDDDD holy shit. (now i really hope someone somewhere has made a Holmes fanvid with some really badass Chase & Status or something. IT'S LONDON, OK. YES. RIGHT.

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